GCWeb theme for Moodle LMS (learning management system) delivers the Government of Canada's Canada.ca presentation layer on e-learning platforms built on Moodle LMS versions 3.9, Moodle 3.10 and 3.11.

GCWeb has been used by several Government of Canada (GoC) departments on intranet and public facing Moodle LMS sites including:

Moodle LMS with the GCWeb theme makes it possible for Government of Canada departments and agencies to offer online e-learning experiences to employees and the public, empowering them with the knowledge they need - all without any licensing fees for users or courses.

GCWeb Theme Features

  • GCWeb for Moodle LMS is Free!

    Completely free under the terms of the GNU GPL 3 license! You don't even need to be our customer (though we would love to serve you).

  • Customizable Site Pages

    There are lots of settings to help you configure your Home and Dashboard pages.

  • Support for Single Sign-on (SSO)

    You can configure the site authentication to use OAuth2, LDAP, social media and/or Moodle LMS authentication on the login page. You can even use your own login page for integration with SSO services.

  • Configurable Profile Field List

    Show or hide profile fields to display just the ones you want in order to comply with privacy requirements.

  • Dynamic context aware menu

    You can easily create context and language-aware main navigation at the top of the page to display different links depending on the user's role and where they are on the site.

  • Configurable Course Listing Layout

    You can display your course listings using any one of 9 configurable layouts, each with multiple sub-settings.

  • Display Site-Wide Messages

    Choose from various type of alert boxes to display one or multiple site-wide messages such as for upcoming scheduled maintenance.

  • Customizable Page Header and Footer

    Choose which options you want at the top of the page and create your own custom footer at the bottom.

  • Customizable Nav Drawer

    Don't want to show all the options in the Moodle LMS Nav Drawer? Toggle the links on and off to meet your needs.

  • Customizable Breadcrumbs

    Want to make your Moodle LMS appear as sub-site of your departmental site? Customize the breadcrumbs.

  • Compatible With 3rd Party Plugin

    We have tested the theme with over a dozen popular and useful Moodle LMS plugins.

  • WET Widget Compatible

    We've done extensive testing and this theme is compatible with about 85% of the WET-BOEW widgets for the GCWeb theme.

  • Bootstrap 4 Compatible

    Because this theme includes support for Bootstrap 4, you can also use Bootstrap 4 features.

  • Supported by Major Web Browsers

    The GCWeb theme supports major web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari on Windows, Android, OS X and iOS.

  • Moodle LMS Compatible

    The GCWeb for Moodle LMS is compatible with Moodle 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 running PHP 7.4, or PHP 8.0 on Moodle 3.11.

The GCWeb theme for Moodle LMS helps you meet Government of Canada guidelines and policies including:

  • Helps Moodle LMS site meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 level AA).
  • Supports Government of Canada policy on Official Languages.
  • Supports Quebec Government language policies.
  • Alignment with the Government of Canada's Canada.ca look and feel (Information Architecture Standard). This theme is based on the award-winning WET-BOEW framework, specifically the CDTS GCWeb 4.0 theme for applications.
  • Symbol typography, signatures and colour design standards as outlined by the Government of Canada's Federal Identity Program (FIP)

How to get the GCWeb theme for Moodle LMS

GCWeb for Moodle LMS, developed with the support of the Government of Canada, is available under the GNU GPL 3 license at no cost to any Government of Canada department and agency. We invite you to contact us to get free no-obligation unlimited access to this Moodle LMS theme.

GCWeb compatibility with Moodle 4.x

Based on WET-BOEW
Web Experience Toolkit (WET-BOEW)
for Education and Training in the Workplace

TNG Consulting Inc. has started the development of the GCWeb theme for Moodle 4.1 (LTS), 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. We are looking for financial supporters to help move this project forward.

For more information or to offer support, please contact TNG Consulting Inc.

Learn more about our LMS development, implementation and training services at www.tngconsulting.ca/moodle.